IOC Presentation
In this presentation, I investigated the Maximal Feeding Rate of hummingbirds across North and South America. This expanded on previous presentations of this project with the addition of 12 species from Ecuador and extended trials in Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna). In this presentation I explored what these maximal feeding rates mean in a real world context for these birds.
Coauthors: Donald R. Powers, Anusha Shankar, and Alejandro Rico-Guevara

ICB Publication
In this paper, we take a dive into the mechanisms of hummingbird-bill flower matching. We assess plant-animal pollinator networks and the mutualism that led to them. Ornithophilous pollination is a relatively recent development, yet there are currently a wide variety of bird-pollination strategies. We evaluate functional trait matching and the reciprocal benefits of bill-flower matching. This paper outlines these interactions in a hummingbird-plant lens, however it has broader implications of the rarely-quantified mechanisms of coevolutionary interactions.
Title: Bene‘fit’ assessment in pollination coevolution: mechanistic perspectives on hummingbird bill-flower matching
Written with co-authors: Alejandro Rico-Guevara, Kristiina Hurme, and Avery Russell.
NAOC Oral Presentation
Abstract: Hummingbirds might be limited in their ability to increase nectar consumption because most water consumed is absorbed and processed through their kidneys, which could restrict feeding rate. Such a restriction could limit energy intake during periods of extreme energetic demand. We measured maximum feeding rate in four hummingbird species by sequentially feeding them nectars with decreasing sucrose concentration (10-2%). Feeding rate in broad-billed (3.2g) and magnificent (7.5g) hummingbirds peaked at 4% (0.55 and 0.53 gs g-1h-1, respectively) whereas black-chinned (3.0g) and blue-throated hummingbirds (8.0g) peaked at 6% (0.77 and 0.55 gs g-1h-1, respectively). Maximum water consumption occurred at 4% for broad-bills and magnificents (0.53 and 0.51 mL g-1h-1, respectively), and at 6% for black-chins and blue-throats (0.72 and 0.51 mL g-1h-1, respectively). Maximum energy consumption occurred at 8% for all species (0.50-0.79 kJ g-1h-1). Differences in water and energy consumption were not related to body mass. All species except black-chins maintained mass throughout the experiment, which could indicate higher energy demand, lower assimilation efficiency, or lower intestinal water absorption in this species. Our data suggest all four species have capacity to upregulate compensatory feeding under current conditions. Even so, anticipated temperature increase due to climate change could create conditions where maximum foraging rate becomes limiting. Integrating obtained maximum feeding rate into predictive models could improve our ability to anticipate climate change impact on energy availability and sequential distribution shifts.