Research Overview
Broadly, my research heavily focuses on the interconnectedness of behavior and energetics. I am mostly interested in the energetic trade-off of maintaining behaviors and how these two factors are managed in free-living organisms. Most of my work uses hummingbirds as models, as they are energetically and behaviorally bold, enigmatic, and always on the brink of survival (we think). Please see below for a few of the projects I'm working on, and feel free to reach out with collaboration ideas or questions!

Dominance Energetics
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I am interested in what makes a good competitor. We regularly see fights and aggression near feeders, yet we rarely know what causes one individual to "win." I predict is has to do with many phenotypes, such as behavioral profiles, wing morphologies, flight maneuverability and physiological condition. These phenotypes and resulting performance and fitness are all factors I am investigating at University of Montana at the Flight Lab! ​ Is it possible to predict fight outcomes and fitness consequences using phenotypes and studying behaviors and maneuvers during combat?
​What phenotypes do individuals of a species with agonistic interactions use to asses one another? ​ Is it possible to predict fight outcomes and fitness consequences using phenotypes and studying behaviors and maneuvers during combat?
To investigate these questions, I will study fights in the lab and the field with high speed body and wing kinematics. I will also use mask respirometry and stable isotopes to research metabolic costs and some tried and true ethograms to characterize behaviors.